12 月 2022年
- 漫野奇谭/Wildermyth
- 兵马俑/Terracotta
- 奎德勒斯岛之谜/Kredolis
- 黑暗时代:背水一战/Age of Darkness: Final Stand
- 小魔女诺贝塔/Little Witch Nobeta
- 宇宙主义/The Universim
- 渎神/Godless
- 黎明前20分钟/20 Minutes Till Dawn
- 木筏求生/Raft
- 邪吟/The Chant
- 钢铁之尾/Tails of Iron
- 真人快打11终极版/Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Edition
- 药剂工艺:炼金术士模拟器/Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator
- Dungreed
- 斯盖尔仪式/Sker Ritual
- 蔓不生长/Antivine
- 神秘海域:盗贼遗产合集/UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection
- 神秘海域:盗贼遗产合集/UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection神秘海域4
- 抵抗魅魔-被魔纹侵蚀的女骑士的末路/Resist the succubus—The end of the female Knight
- 哈克小镇/Hokko Life
- 60秒差距/太空60秒/60 Parsecs!
- 英勇无厌/Bravery and Greed
- 咖啡店大咖/Coffee Shop Tycoon
- 真探/The Truth
- 咖啡馆老板模拟/Cafe Owner Simulator
- 暗邪西部/Evil West
- 黑相集:稀望镇/The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
- 世界汽车拉力锦标赛:世代/WRC Generations – The FIA WRC Official Game
- 中世纪王朝/Medieval Dynasty
- 奇异园艺/Strange Horticulture
- 超出界限/Out of Bounds
- 渡神纪:芬尼斯崛起/Immortals: Fenyx Rising
- 极限竞速:地平线4终极版/Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition/支持局域网联机
- 一方灵田/Immortal Life
- 刀剑神域:彼岸游境/Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris
- 双人成行/It Takes Two
- 颠覆/Subverse
- 光环:士官长合集/Halo: The Master Chief Collection
- 尤罗帕/Youropa
- 图灵完备/Turing Complete
- 叽叽挖挖/Repetendium
- 沙皮克:月球探索/Shapik: The Moon Quest
- 苍蓝雷霆3/Azure Striker GUNVOLT 3
- The Block
- 幽深密室:复活/Deepest Chamber: Resurrection
- 死亡在下/Death Below
- HEROish
- 萨默维尔/Somerville