11 月 2022年
- 机场大亨/Sky Haven Tycoon – Airport Simulator
- 魔药经济学/Potionomics
- eden*
- 永恒空间2/EVERSPACE 2
- 灵魂地狱塔防/Spirits of the Hellements – TD
- 灵魂摆渡者/逝者摆渡人/精神战士/Spiritfarer
- 洞穴探险2/Spelunky 2
- 小三角大英雄/Little Triangle
- 晦暗神祇/Dark Deity
- 银河历险记2/Samorost 2
- 巴特拉:家在何方/Batora: Lost Haven
- 纳赫鲁博地下城:混沌护符/纳赫鲁博王国地下城:混沌护符/The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
- 海蓝宝石/Aquamarine: Explorer’s Edition
- 海蓝宝石/Aquamarine: Explorer’s Edition
- Roboplant
- 拉力赛艺术/art of rally
- 末日求生/余波求生/劫后余生/Surviving the Aftermath
- 熵值中心/The Entropy Centre
- 极速大乱斗/速度斗殴/Speed Brawl
- 血腥大地/Crimsonland
- 铁路公司收藏版/Railroad Corporation Complete Collection
- 同舟共济/Ship of Fools/支持网络联机
- 求生之路2/生存之旅2/Left 4 Dead 2
- 女鬼桥:开魂路/The Bridge Curse: Road to Salvation
- 红莲四羽:世界引燃/Crimzon Clover World EXplosion
- 弹簧单高跷/Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends
- 亡灵诡计:来世/Death’s Gambit: Afterlife
- 亡灵诡计:来世/Death’s Gambit: Afterlife
- 杏林物语/Potion Permit
- 霓虹深渊/Neon Abyss
- 崩溃制造/Levelhead
- 幽灵之歌/Ghost Song
- 宇宙沙盘/宇宙沙盒/Universe Sandbox
- 石像人/Golem
- 盲目命运:江户之弥/Blind Fate: Edo no Yami
- 霓虹枪/NeuraGun
- 赛博朋克SFX/Cyberpunk SFX
- 审判官的心灵/Inquisitor’s Heart and Soul
- 合成波赛车/Synthwave Burnout
- 天体/Heavenly Bodies
- 最牛的游戏/The Most Awesome Game Ever Made
- 杀戮小队/Killsquad
- 仙王座协议/Cepheus Protocol
- 传送门/Portal
- 战场兄弟/Battle Brothers
- 盗贼遗产2/Rogue Legacy 2
- 狂父/Mad Father
- 小小炼狱/小小地狱之火/Little Inferno
- 14种扫雷变体/14 Minesweeper Variants