7 月 2022年
- 空战猎鹰/The Falconeer
- 重组/Reassembly
- 12轨道/12 orbits
- 伙伴模拟器1984/Buddy Simulator 1984
- 简单飞机/简单飞行/SimplePlanes
- 星球探险家/Planet Explorers
- X3:地球人冲突/X3: Terran Conflict
- 光明旅者/终极闪光:流浪者/Hyper Light Drifter
- 城市汽车驾驶/汽车驾驶模拟器/City Car Driving
- 蓝色回忆录/A Memoir Blue
- 智能工厂大亨/Smart Factory Tycoon
- 霓虹白/Neon White
- 玛拉的夏天/Summer in Mara
- 虚拟主义/虚拟宇宙/VirtuaVerse
- 窥视你的未来/The Future You’ve Been Dreaming Of
- 窥视你的未来/The Future You’ve Been Dreaming Of
- Temp Zero
- 珀尔塞福涅/Persephone
- 黏黏果冻/Jelly Is Sticky
- 井然有狗/Dogs Organized Neatly
- 看见飘扬的斗篷了吗/Do You See the Waving Cape
- 魔弹术师/Ballistic Craft
- Superola:冠军版/Superola Champion Edition
- 正经趣味足球/Serious Fun Football
- 死亡之屋:重制版/THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake
- 地狱仆从/Hellslave
- 健身房大亨/Gym Tycoon
- 王国保卫战:传奇/Legends of Kingdom Rush
- 蛙岛时光/Time on Frog Island
- 蜘蛛精/Spidersaurs
- 冲就完事模拟器/高压水枪模拟器/PowerWash Simulator
- 堆叠! 逐箱/Pile Up! Box by Box
- 移形换位/Shift Happens/支持网络联机
- 骑士与单车/Knights and Bikes/支持网络联机
- 电磁感应/Induction
- 突袭:二战/RAID: World War II
- 弃船逃生/Abandon Ship
- 符文工厂5/Rune Factory 5
- 破门而入2:北方特遣部队/Door Kickers 2: Task Force North
- 风暴之海/Tempest: Pirate Action RPG
- 以太之战/Rivals of Aether
- 阿尔芭:野生动物探险/阿尔芭与野生动物的故事/Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
- X变体:防御/X-Morph: Defense
- 损友传奇/The Legend of Bum-Bo
- 奥森弗里/Oxenfree
- OPUS:龙脉常歌/OPUS: Echo Of Starsong
- 无双大蛇2 终极版/WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate Definitive Edition
- 鲜冻/Freshly Frosted
- 涂色游戏:像素/Coloring Game: Pixel
- 仙乐传说/Tales of Symphonia