5 月 2022年
- Pompom
- 符号/Ampersat
- 圆顶:科幻后启示录RPG/Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
- 纸嫁衣2奘铃村/Paper Bride 2 Zangling Village
- 海商王4/Port Royale 4
- 元素战争2/Elemental War 2
- 远星物语/交叉准则/CrossCode
- 色速/RGB Rush
- Blow & Fly
- Blow & Fly
- 杀手/The Cleaner
- 基因变异/Geneshift
- 可靠快递/Totally Reliable Delivery Service/支持网络联机
- 无间冥寺/Curse of the Dead Gods
- 形状节奏/Just Shapes & Beats
- 沉没的王国/Dredgers
- 暴走枪姬/Wildcat Gun Machine
- 黑暗追逐/Chased by Darkness
- 漂移大陆:魔法复兴/Driftland: The Magic Revival
- 怪兽战争/Kaiju Wars
- RPG高尔夫传奇/RPGolf Legends
- 我的世界:地下城/Minecraft: Dungeons
- 冷房子/Cold House
- 地下城卷轴战术版/Dungeon Reels Tactics
- 旁观者3/Beholder 3
- 火焰审判/Trials of Fire
- 60秒!重制版/60 Seconds! Reatomized
- Space Voyager
- 狗钩/狗狗特攻队/Grapple Dog
- 偶像明星制作人/Idol Queens Production
- 环形帝国战术/Circle Empires Tactics
- 开拓者/The Waylanders
- 70亿人类/7 Billion Humans
- 电脑装机模拟器/PC Building Simulator
- Creatura
- 锈湖:旅馆/Rusty Lake Hotel
- 加拿大不归路/Death Road to Canada
- 山羊宝宝比利/Baby Goat Billy
- 爆裂联盟与克里德博士的邪恶军团/Blast Brigade vs. the Evil Legion of Dr. Cread
- 随动回旋镖/Boomerang Fu
- 监狱模拟器/Prison Simulator
- 伊甸之路/One Step From Eden
- 美国式家长/Growing Up