1 月 2025年
- Paleon
- 遵循真相/Follow the meaning
- 艾尔登法环黄金树幽影/ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree(双版本,联机版无修改器) 应群友啦啦啦的需要
- 天空城幻想/The Leviathan’s fantasy
- 星星回家/Pode
- 状态/Status One
- 弃置者/The Redundant
- 命运守护夜:重制版/Fate/stay night REMASTERED
- 蠕行的恐惧:克苏鲁选集/Menace from the Deep
- 船舶墓地模拟器2/Ship Graveyard Simulator 2
- 生态系统/Ecosystem
- 铁壁矩阵:轴突塔防/Axon TD: Uprising
- 拆迁/Teardown
- 房产达人2/House Flipper 2
- 农场经营世界/Farm Manager World
- 矮人元祖/First Dwarf
- 史莱姆牧场2/Slime Rancher 2
- 海洋幻想/Sea Fantasy
- 红蓝细胞/Red Blue Cell
- 数字伴侣/桌宠启动器/Desktop Mate
- 死亡之王:古罗斯传说/Deathless. Tales of Old Rus
- 星轮/Starground
- 青蛙农场:幸存者/Pesticide Not Required
- NIMRODS: 枪匠幸存者/NIMRODS: GunCraft Survivor
- 王国地下城与英雄/Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero
- 离魂界:校怨/Undead Realm:Ego
- 硬币与仙人掌/Coins & Wishpalm
- 诅咒数码相机/Cursed Digicam
- 波提:字节国度大冒险/Boti: Byteland Overclocked
- 钢铁先锋/TankHead
- 欢迎来到九龙/Welcome to Kowloon
- 妖之乡/Yaoling: Mythical Journey
- ServiceIT:你可以做IT/ServiceIT: You can do IT
- 无名九使:觉醒/Unknown 9: Awakening
- 疯狂旅馆/The Inn-Sanity
- 游乐园建造师/Parkitect
- 炽焰出击/Blazing Strike
- 余烬守卫/Emberward
- 桥梁建造师2/Poly Bridge 2
- 南之町/Minami Lane
- S4U: 都市朋克2011与爱的重拳/S4U: CITYPUNK 2011 AND LOVE PUNCH
- 将熄之焰/The Last Flame
- 南方游骑兵队/The Rangers In The South
- 自由战争:复刻版/FREEDOM WARS Remastered
- 迷宮校舎/School Labyrinth
- 堡垒:猎鹰战纪/Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicle
- 缺氧:眼冒金星/Oxygen Not Included
- 北加尔/Northgard
- 弗林特:失落的宝藏/Flint: Treasure of Oblivion