1 月 2025年
- 虚幻商场/False Mall
- 六方守护者/Hexguardian
- 虫潮/Insect Swarm
- 塔楼满是猫/A Tower Full of Cats
- 矮人领域/Dwarven Realms
- 王国保卫战:复仇/Kingdom Rush Vengeance – Tower Defense
- 深入后室/密室内部/Inside the Backrooms
- 隔离:第二幕/Estranged: Act II/Estranged: The Departure
- 凡尔纳:幻想之形/Verne: The Shape of Fantasy
- 生存主义:隐形异变/Survivalist: Invisible Strain
- 你今晚会死在这里/You Will Die Here Tonight
- 太极/Taiji
- 梦幻战术/Dream Tactics
- 严阵以待/Ready or Not
- 台北仲夏夜之梦
- 翼星求生/ICARUS
- 再见的备份/Some Goodbyes We Made
- 终极一击:沙希绝境/Go For A Punch! Saki Sanobashi
- 只有向上:一起滑稽/Only Up: SKIBIDI TOGETHER
- 冒牌猫谜/Copycat
- 热销电商模拟器/Top Sellers – Ecommerce Simulator
- 地狱卡牌/Hellcard
- 帝国霸业:银河生存/Empyrion – Galactic Survival
- 的士快跑/Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
- 伪装生物/Zort
- 定居点崛起/Settlements Rising
- 氧气/Oxygen
- 静脉注射2/Intravenous 2
- Tetra Dungeon
- 爱丽丝迷幻神经症发作/Alice Mesmerizing Episodes of Neurosis
- 海港物语/Havendock
- 终极僵尸防御2/Ultimate Zombie Defense 2
- 拜托!请你先告白
- 下一个就是你
- 电竞教父/Esports Godfather
- 狩猎之道/猎人之路/Way of the Hunter
- 冒险盟友/Adventure Allies
- 雷姆利亚/LEMURIA
- 怒之铁拳4/Streets of Rage 4
- 兔子与钢铁/Rabbit and Steel
- 零号奴隶X/Slave Zero X
- 轰祖之战/Boomcestors
- 浓咖啡大亨/Espresso Tycoon
- 奇迹武器计划/Project Wunderwaffe
- 雄心壮志/Big Ambitions
- Nienix:宇宙战争/Nienix: Cosmic Warfare
- 永恒/Everhood
- 奈斯启示录/Necesse
- 战争召唤——地狱之门:东线/Call to Arms – Gates of Hell: Ostfront
- 未见之界/The Axis Unseen