12 月 2021年
- 遗迹:灰烬重生/Remnant: From the Ashes
- 潜行者:普里皮亚季的召唤/S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
- 潜行者:晴空/S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
- 潜行者:切尔诺贝利的阴影/S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
- 誓死坚守/Until We Die
- 浣熊硬探:文物版/Backbone Artifact Edition
- 这里没有游戏:错误维度/There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension
- 魔法门10:传承/Might & Magic X – Legacy
- 绝境北方/严峻北境/Bad North: Jotunn Edition
- 移民官/边境检察官/Border Officer
- 上班摸鱼模拟器/Lazy at work
- 御姐玫瑰:起源/美俏女剑士:起源/Onee Chanbara ORIGIN
- 超时空战记Gun & Slash/CosmicBreak Gun & Slash
- 职业篮球经理2022/Pro Basketball Manager 2022
- 活祭/Sacrifice
- 战地4/Battlefield 4
- 尾牙/牙齿和尾巴/齿与尾:老鼠大革命/Tooth and Tail
- 鬼镇:地狱降临/The Haunted: Hells Reach
- 小白兔电商/Bunny e-Shop
- 致命捕捞:游戏版/Deadliest Catch: The Game
- 中世纪王国战争/Medieval Kingdom Wars
- 怪物圣所/怪物避难所/高仿宝可梦/Monster Sanctuary
- 奇迹领主/Master of Miracles
- 熊的冒险2/Bear Adventures 2
- 逃离房间/Escape the room
- 九云梦/The Cloud Dream Of The Nine
- 昙花/Epiphyllum in Love
- 十二色的季节/Season of 12 colors
- 橘子班短篇集/Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine
- 死亡直播间/DeathLive
- 虚空混蛋/虚空恶棍/Void Bastards
- 惊恐航海/Dread Nautical
- UnderParty
- 通勤地铁战/Overcrowd
- 映梦/映夢/Dream
- 东方栖霞园/Blue devil in the Belvedere
- 迷惑/Deluded
- 秘密兄弟会/秘密政府/Secret Government
- 温红:复仇之魂/Wonhon: A Vengeful Spirit
- 忍者传:三好家的陨落/Tale of Ninja: Fall of the Miyoshi
- 城堡脚蹼/城堡达人/Castle Flipper
- 荒野八人组/The Wild Eight
- 超越人类:觉醒/Beyond Mankind: The Awakening
- 步行者/The Pedestrian
- 东方天空竞技场:幻想乡空战姬/Touhou Sky Arena: Matsuri Climax
- 天空舰队/Sky Fleet
- 创造!云岛工坊/Craftlands Workshoppe
- 贸易与马车/Trade and carriage
- 战争游戏:空地一体战/Wargame: Airland Battle
- 战争游戏:欧洲扩张/Wargame: European Escalation