12 月 2021年
- 闪克/Shank
- 无夜之国2:新月的花嫁/Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon
- 无夜之国/Nights of Azure
- 粉碎者:沉睡的妻子们/Waifus Smash
- X病毒/X Virus
- 平面效应/纸飞机效应/The Plane Effect
- 迈阿密热线2:空号/Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
- 迈阿密热线/Hotline Miami
- 堡垒/Bastion
- 秘密舞会/mimiwuhui
- 湛蓝牢笼/Rail of Möbius
- 知更鸟/The Robin
- 女装少年短发妹/Cross Princess
- 新剑侠传奇/Xin Jian Xia Chuan Qi
- 誰是犯案者/Who is the Criminal
- 烂漫向导蕾莉/Lelie Navigation!
- 齿轮迷局:记忆之钥/Gear Puzzle: the inheritance of grandpa
- ~在魔界当女仆~恶魔天使与勇者的秘密喫茶店/~Be a maid in the Demon World~ The Secret Café of the Demon Angel Hero
- 东方流星谭/Touhou : Shooting Star
- 与你相遇之时/The Moment We Met
- 我们七人的恋爱物语/My 1/6 Lover
- 牧场物语:橄榄镇与希望的大地/STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town
- 海岸城堡/Castle on the Coast
- 生化变种/Biomutant
- 尼克儿童频道全明星大乱斗/Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
- 妄想症:Deliver Me/ParanoiA: Deliver Me
- 杀戮地城/Dungeon Adventure
- 迷你岛/Star Island
- 神圣的牛! 挤奶模拟器/HOLY COW! Milking Simulator
- 莉妮·布格/Leenie Boog
- 阿比与灵魂/Abi and the soul
- 史莱姆牧场/Slime Rancher
- 丝袜测评师/Pantyhose Test Girl
- 君与彼女与彼女之恋/你和她和她的恋爱/YOU and ME and HER: A Love Story
- 桑塔与七神/Shantae and the Seven Sirens
- 践踏2:超级机甲联赛/Override 2: Super Mech League
- 侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯重制版/GTA San Andreas – Definitive Edition
- 侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市重制版/GTA Vice City – Definitive Edition
- 凯旋堡/Fort Triumph
- 虫姬/Mushihimesama
- 东方月神夜/Touhou Luna Nights
- 病毒僵尸转生
- 轨道:火车游戏/轨道:模型游戏/Tracks – The Train Set Game
- 疯狂饮料/Madness Beverage
- 荒野西部Z/Wild West Z