11 月 2021年
- 少林与武当2/少林vs武当2/Shaolin vs Wutang 2
- 远光指挥官/Farlight Commanders
- 终极提督:航海时代/Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail
- 米多和迪/Mido and Di
- 古墓丽影10:崛起20周年版/Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration
- 阿尔卑斯山:模拟游戏/Alpine – The Simulation Game
- 绝路/无路之旅/The Pathless
- 西格玛理论:谍战豪华版/Sigma Theory: Global Cold War – Deluxe Edition
- 狂野西部:枪手/Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
- 脆弱/Fragile
- 大家一起察言观色。3 -父与子-/みんなで空気読み。3
- 堕落之城莱蒂达亚/Obscurite Magie The City of Sin
- Re:命运/Re:DESTINY
- 黑相集:灰冥界/The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
- Jump大乱斗终极版/Jump Force Ultimate Edition
- 怪物火车/Monster Train
- 深夜麻将/Midnight Mahjong
- 欺诈之地/Griftlands
- 灵媒豪华版/The Medium – Deluxe Edition
- 摇滚史密斯2014/ROCKSMITH 2014
- Evospace
- King Exit
- 亡灵军团/Undead Horde
- 海之呼唤/Call of the Sea
- 玩具修补匠模拟器/Toy Tinker Simulator
- Staxel
- 大流士游戏合集/Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade
- 不是地下城/Dungeon No Dungeon
- OPUS:灵魂之桥/OPUS: Rocket of Whispers
- 异界转生 这次变成了传说中的勇者呢(受)
- 前辈的召唤:威福战/Call of Senpai: Waifu Warfare
- 波兰球英雄/CountryBalls Heroes
- 地球X/EarthX
- 马苏比拉米:霍巴德冒险/长尾豹马修:大冒险/MARSUPILAMI – HOOBADVENTURE
- 勇网直前/Webbed
- 我是小鱼儿/I Am Fish
- 舔狗模拟器/Dog Licking Simulator
- 再来一局能否组成最强阵容/One more game
- 高尔夫乐园:荒凉之地/高尔夫:废土/Golf Club Wasteland
- 邻居地狱归来/Neighbours back From Hell
- 疾速特工/Agent Intercept
- Hoplegs
- 坟墓高中/Gravewood High
- 侦探福尔摩斯: 诱捕猎人/Sherlock Holmes Trap for the Hunter
- 重新计时/重新定时/重组/重定/Retimed
- 机械迷城/Machinarium
- 兽耳少女才不会背叛呢/Fox Girls Never Play Dirty