10 月 2022年
- 克苏鲁异闻录2/Lovecraft’s Untold Stories 2
- 克苏鲁异闻录2/Lovecraft’s Untold Stories 2
- 暗处之瞳/Eyes in the Dark
- 多巴胺/Dofamine
- 活尸战棋/Wanna Survive
- 林中小女巫/Little Witch in the Woods
- 卡隆的阶梯/Charon’s Staircase
- 卡隆的阶梯/Charon’s Staircase
- 精灵与橡木之歌/Oaken
- 记忆边境/Thymesia
- 阿卡诺:永恒之战/Arkanoid – Eternal Battle
- 阿斯泰利克斯和奥贝利克斯XXXL:来自希伯尼亚的公羊/Asterix & Obelix XXXL : The Ram From Hibernia
- 阿斯泰利克斯和奥贝利克斯XXXL:来自希伯尼亚的公羊/Asterix & Obelix XXXL : The Ram From Hibernia
- 血与丧尸/Blood And Zombies/支持网络联机
- 死人日记/Dead Man´s Diary
- 苏醒之路/Undying
- 倾听画语:最美好的景色/Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery
- Devil Devour Alive DX
- Ailin:陷阱与珍宝/Ailin: Traps and Treasures
- 麦迪逊/MADiSON
- 十字路酒馆/Crossroads Inn
- 酒馆带师/Tavern Master
- 地狱钱汤/地獄銭湯/The Bathhouse
- 自动厨师/Automachef
- 切尔诺贝利人/Chernobylite
- 夜回三/夜廻三/Yomawari: Lost in the Dark
- 心魔/Psych
- 地狱派/Hell Pie
- 雄心壮志/Big Ambitions
- 战争之石TD/Warstone TD
- 温克利小屋/Winkeltje: The Little Shop
- 哥谭骑士/Gotham Knights
- 右和下/向右和向下/Right and Down
- 极限竞速:地平线5顶级版/Forza Horizon 5 – Premium Edition
- 一路疾驰/他们总是在跑/They Always Run
- 幻想女武神/Valkyrie of Phantasm
- 黄铜之城/City of Brass
- 雷姆利亚/LEMURIA
- 魔物学园:毕业舞会大作战/Monster Prom
- 机场CEO/Airport CEO
- 血战西部2/Hard West 2
- 影子政府模拟器/The Shadow Government Simulator
- 咒语力量3:增强版/SpellForce 3 Reforced
- 爱琴海的宝藏/Treasures of the Aegean
- NeverSynth
- 远古众神/Ancient Gods
- 壁纸引擎/Wallpaper Engine
- 火山岛/火山钻地机/Volcanoids
- 幽深密室/Deepest Chamber
- 苦痛之环/痛苦之戒/Ring of Pain