10 月 2022年
- 融雪/Yusetsu
- 数码宝贝:绝境求生/Digimon Survive
- 深渊/Deep Abyss
- 食人鲨/Maneater
- 棒球学院物语/Home Run High
- 宇宙探险物语/Epic Astro Story
- 冲刺!赛车物语/Grand Prix Story
- 神技盗来/Kamiwaza: Way of the Thief
- 心灵健全/神志清醒/In Sound Mind
- 澳洲梦想镇/Dinkum
- 怪物男孩和诅咒王国/Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
- 酿造物语/百日:酿酒模拟器/Hundred Days – Winemaking Simulator
- 诺科/NORCO
- 蒸汽波世界/Vaporwave World
- 寒霜朋克/冰汽时代/Frostpunk
- 沙盒勇者/Craft Hero
- 英雄不在3/No More Heroes 3
- 一门之隔/One More Gate : A Wakfu Legend
- 不可鲁莽/No Place for Bravery
- 幽灵线:东京/Ghostwire: Tokyo
- 鸿沟:裂谷/Chasm: The Rift
- 再见/Once Again
- 信号法则/The Signal State
- 异形工厂/Shapez
- 二战:地堡模拟器/WW2: Bunker Simulator
- 究极大越野:传奇/MX vs ATV Legends/支持网络联机
- 生化危机7:黄金版/Resident Evil 7 Biohazard
- Prodeus
- 半条命2:VR MOD/Half-Life 2: VR Mod
- 失忆症:黑暗后裔/Amnesia: The Dark Descent
- Distrust: Polar Survival/支持网络联机
- 烧烤模拟器:小队/BBQ Simulator: The Squad/支持网络联机
- 超级冲锋:开箱/HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed
- 游牧生存/Nomad Survival
- 巫女契约/Oath of Miko
- 巫师之子/Son of a Witch
- House
- 死亡/The Death
- 天作之合的我们 1/Watamari – A Match Made in Heaven Part1
- 小眷灵/Tinykin
- 行星的毁灭:泰坦/Planetary Annihilation: TITANS
- 垃圾水手/Trash Sailors
- 精灵与老鼠/The Spirit and the Mouse
- Vostok 2061
- 高速公路警察模拟3/Autobahn Police Simulator 3
- 大将军:罗马/Imperator: Rome
- 开拓者的财富/Founders’ Fortune
- 开拓者的财富/Founders’ Fortune
- 先发制人/First Strike: Classic