10 月 2022年
- 亡灵巫师/Necrosmith
- 奥拓星球/机器人殖民地/Autonauts
- 黑客义警/Jack Move
- 捉鬼敢死队:灵魂出窍/Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed/支持网络联机
- 键盘侠干他喵的多元宇宙/What Lies in the Multiverse
- Darkanoid
- 死亡链接/Deadlink
- 摩托车技工模拟器2021/Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
- 泰坦之旅周年纪念版/泰坦之旅:不朽王座/Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
- 飞马座远征/The Pegasus Expedition
- 战锤40K:射手座,血与手镯/Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef
- 战锤40K:射手座,血与手镯/Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef
- 临渊觉醒/Edge Of The Abyss Awaken/支持网络联机
- 互联网原住民/Internet Generation
- 海平线 无尽旅程/Sea Horizon
- 锁定负载战术/Lock ‘n Load Tactical Digital: Core Game
- 锁定负载战术/Lock ‘n Load Tactical Digital: Core Game
- 旧世界/Old World/支持网络联机
- 邪恶村/Eville/支持网络联机
- Solargene
- 特级厨师/史诗厨师/Epic Chef
- 葬花·暗黑桃花源/Lay a Beauty to Rest: The Darkness Peach Blossom Spring
- 爱的吸盘:第一次约会/Sucker for Love: First Date
- 侦探万事屋-庄园疑案/Detective Agency: Murder at the Manor
- 帝国时代3:决定版/Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
- 东方的迷宫 幻想乡和通天的大树/LABYRINTH OF TOUHOU
- 部落猎人/Tribal Hunter
- 特工A:伪装游戏/Agent A: A puzzle in disguise
- 小小星球的故事/Tales of the Tiny Planet
- 新星漂移/Nova Drift
- 室内公园模拟器/Indoorlands
- 这是警察2/This Is the Police 2
- 这是警察/This Is the Police
- 油尽航行/Fueled Up
- 逃出百慕大/Down in Bermuda
- 140
- 来自深渊 朝向黑暗的双星/Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness
- 地牢守护者:觉醒/Dungeon Defenders: Awakened
- 袋鼠闯天关/Kao the Kangaroo
- 巫术之地/Lands of Sorcery
- 异星迷航:时空瀚海/Out There: Oceans of Time
- 阿斯泰利克斯历险记:全拍飞!/Asterix & Obelix: Slap them All!
- 阿斯泰利克斯历险记:全拍飞!/Asterix & Obelix: Slap them All!
- 预言奇谈/Foretales
- 海岛物语/Citizens: Far Lands
- Metamorfose S
- 天球:飞升之城/Sphere – Flying Cities
- 黎明杀机终极版/Dead by Daylight Ultimate Edition/支持网络联机